Vaginal Yeast Infections
Vaginal Yeast infection also known as Candidiasis or Vaginal thrush is caused when there is an overgrowth of yeast in the body
The overgrowth can form as a result of excessive sugar consumption, over excessive use of antibiotics, bad hygiene, an imbalanced ph level, sexual encounters and It can even be gotten from the use of public bathrooms or from sharing bathrooms with an infected person.
Vaginal Yeast infections is characterized by an itchy, often burning sensation with a thick, creamy, white discharge similar to the consistency of cottage cheese
Vaginal Yeast Infections has little to no smell.
Vaginal Yeast Infection is a Fungal infection and not a Bacterial infection.
Often Self-diagnosable and Self-Medicated, one of the common mistakes made when treating yeast infections is reaching for the Antibiotics first.
Which can prove to be very detrimental as antibiotics makes the infection much much Worse.
Do’s and Don’ts of Yeast Infections
1). Do NOT use Antibiotics
Naturally the vagina consists of some Healthy amounts of yeast and bacteria, both good bacteria and bad bacteria
Vaginal yeast infection occurs when there is an imbalance of this constitution
Antibiotics kills bacteria, both good and bad. This in turn, upsets the delicate balance of the vagina and in result causes the yeast in the vagina to multiply and overgrow resulting in a Yeast Infection
And as we stated earlier a common mistake made when treating vaginal yeast infection is the use of antibiotics
Simply put, It makes the infection worse.
2). Do NOT use Food items or Homemade Concoctions to treat yeast infections
The Use of garlic, yoghurt, oils and some homemade remedies or concoctions can be helpful in the fight of yeast Infections if added to your diet
However putting any of these items or concoctions anywhere close to your coochie is a disaster waiting to happen
Doing any of the things stated above can make your infection worse, as your vagina is an organ and not a kitchen.
3). Do NOT Have Sexual Relations while infected
Sexual activity should be put on the back burner until the infection is cleared
Oral sex is definitely a no-no, as your partner’s saliva can furthermore upset your Ph balance
Sperm is alkalinic and can upset your ph levels and very possibly make the infection a lot worse
So it advised to abstain from sexual activity until the yeast infection is cleared up.
4). Do NOT use Fragrances, Scented Soaps or Perfumes
Fragrances and harsh soaps contain alcohol, which is most definitely bad for your vagina
The vagina is not meant to smell like a garden of roses and flowers. The vagina is an organ and not a flower garden
Using scented soaps or fragrances can further upset the ph balance of your vagina
Instead, only use water to clean your vagina and avoid douching
5). Do NOT leave the Infection untreated
In some cases, yeast Infections goes away on it’s own, and it most cases it does not.
Leaving a Yeast Infection untreated can give room for the yeast to fester and multiply
Yeast infections should be treated within the first few days, the longer you leave it the more stubborn and resistant to medications
How to Treat Yeast Infections
The DO’s
Anti Fungal Medications: A Strong dose of an anti-fungal drug like fluconazole is commonly recommended when it comes to treating yeast infections
As stated above, Yeast Infections should be treated within the first few days, as it becomes more stubborn and resistant to medications the longer it is left untreated.
Boric Acid Suppositories: Boric acid is an effective method for getting rid of yeast infections and should be considered if anti-fungal medications don’t work
It should be considered when the infection is proven to be stubborn and resistant to medications.
Boric acid is NOT an oral drug and should NOT be consumed orally
It should be inserted into the vagina with clean hands and left overnight.
Probiotics: Probiotics consists of good live bacteria and yeast naturally found in the body.
Infections are caused when there is more bad bacteria than good bacteria in the body. Supplementing with probiotics can help introduce more good bacteria to the body.
Probiotics can help to regulate your ph levels and prevent yeast infections.
The use of Probiotics can also help to fight reoccurring yeast infections
Healthy Diet: Avoid foods that are high in sugar and carbs. Pastries and baked goods that may contain yeast should also be avoided
Include foods like Greek yoghurt, garlic and vegetables to you diet.
Yoghurt or Greek yoghurt is a natural probiotic and is beneficial for your vaginal health
See your Doctor: Yeast infections may be often mistaken for bacterial vaginosis, so it is best to see your doctor to confirm your status before you commence treatment
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