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How to Reduce/Burn Belly Fat (Lose 2 inches off your waist)

How to Reduce/Burn Belly Fat (Lose 2 inches off your waist)

It has been said that you cannot spot reduce fat, meaning you can not burn fat from only a specific part of the body

The rate at which you burn fat any where is directly proportional to rate at which you burn fat everywhere.

However there are several ways to get around it and burn belly fat.

Here are some of the ways to do it...

The Ultimate Fat Loss Guide (FREE)

Nutrition: Eat Healthy (High Protein Diet)

"you are what you eat"

A phrase that has been around for yearsas harsh as it may sound... it's true.

If you eat like crap then most likely you'd look like well... Crap

Unless you have been blessed by the Gods of Genetics, then good for you

But if your a part of us common folk then you'd might want to keep your nutrition in check 

Weight and Fat are two different things. Weight comprises of three things muscle, fat and bone. Water Weight is also a Factor.

whereas Fat is... well Fat

The goal here is to burn fat not weight, and here are some the tips we recommend

Consider Reducing your Carb Intake

Carbs are not the enemy. However too much Carb Consumption is your one way ticket to a big belly. 

Increase your protein intake 

Protein helps build muscle and muscle in turn burns fat, therefore adding more protein to you diet can help you burn felly fat.

Calorie Deficit 

a calorie deficit has proven to be one of the best ways to burn belly fat. A caloric deficit simply means eating below your calorie maintenance level

Eating on a deficit can be achieved by intentionally reducing you calorie intake or by adding exercise to your daily routine and still eating the way you normally do, this is an automatic deficit because this way your body is burning more calories than normal automatically putting you on a deficit

Ab Exercises

Now this has mixed reviews some say it's counter effective and makes your waist look bulky, and others swear by it.

Our advice... Try it and see how it works for your body

Bodies come in different shapes and sizes, in different compositions and different make up, things don't work the same for every body

Reverse Crunches, Planks, bicycle crunches, just to name a few are some the ab workouts you can add to your daily routine to help reduce belly fat.

There are a lot of Free Ab workouts available on YouTube, that you can try from the comfort of your home.

Try ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)

Apple cider vinegar or cider is a vinegar made from fermented apples and has been rumored to have numerous benefits such as killing harmful bacteria, promoting skin health, aiding in digestion and many more.

Adding 1 to 2 spoons of acv to a glass of water every morning will drastically improve digestion which in turn results in reducing belly fat

Strength Training (Weight Lifting)

ifting weights helps build muscle and muscle burns off more calories which in turn burns fat

Compound movements like squats, deadlifts, bench press can help burn belly fat if your core is properly engaged.

Controlled Cardio

cardiovascular exercise is great for your heart one of the best ways to burn belly fat

At least 30 - 45 minutes of cardiovascular exercise is an effective way of burning belly fat

However too much cardio can be counter-effective as not only will you burn fat, but you are at risk of burning muscle as well making your body look less toned and shapely.

Keeping the Cardio Controlled is the best way to go.

We recommend 1 - 3 times of cardiovascular activity every week.

Running, Jogging, Dancing, cycling, jump rope, walking are some examples of cardio you can add to your daily routine.

Get our FREE Ultimate Fat Loss Program

Waist Training

Self acclaimed Fitness Gurus say this doesn't work and others who waist train, swear by it.

Here's our take... Try it and see if it works for you. 

Bodies come in different shapes and sizes, in different compositions and different make up, things don't work the same for every body

The concept of waist training has been around since the 19th century  and its basically stuffing your belly into a high compression garment

Waist training gradually shapes your waist over time to give it a more curved and cinched look training doesn't work alone, but paired with a good diet and exercise can produce some incredible results

Gua Sha

a tiktok trend or a clever hack?

gua sha or kerokan is a traditional chinese practice in which a tool is used to scrape the skin 

gua sha when used on the belly is believed to help in eliminating bloating stomach bloating, removing toxins from stomach and intestines as well as reducing fat around the waist

the idea of gua sha'ing is basically massaging your targeted area with the gua sha with a carrier oil of your choice 

gua sha is very inexpensive and in general a great to try and incorporate to your routine


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